
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So much to do.

So, if all the stars align, I only have 24 more days until I'm banded! Here's hoping!

I still need to get my final blood work (Nov. 3rd), set up my financing, have my surgery consultation with the surgeon, and do my pre-op diet (starts Nov. 6th, I think).

However, other than the "official" things, above, that must be done, I have many unofficial things I must do in order to prepare myself for surgery. The list:

-Stop drinking with meals
-Stop drinking flipping Diet Cokes!!!! (hard one)
-Get my ass in the gym
-Buy my protein drinks (I think I'll do that right after I hit "publish post")
-purchase my post-op essentials

I need to purchase the post-op essentials prior to surgery b/c immediately after surgery (well, the next day) my family is driving down to our beach house in Panama City, FL for a week. So, I need to have all my items prepared prior to the 6 hour drive.

So, for any post-opers what are the essentials other than the obvious (bouillon cubes, sf popsicles, sf pudding, pillow for tummy when coughing or sneezing, etc.)??? I'd love any advice you can offer.


Lap Band It said...

I can't think of a better place to to get better than the beach. I'm in Pensacola and love the beach. I hope you have good weather. I too have been trying to buy my post op stuff. Yesterday I bought some liquid Tylenol, I have my protein, b12, but can't find the chewable calcium. I ordered some from but the were on back order. I found some liquid but it has to be refrigerated so since I don't have a refrigerator in my patrol car that wont work. I guess i could get a cooler to take to work. How long are you taking off work. I'm taking a week, going back after Thanksgiving Day. I'm not telling my boss because I will have to be on light duty (desk Duty) for six weeks..... I can't do desk duty for six weeks, plus then everybody will know. My Dr. said a week is enough as long as I don't get punched in the belly. In 15 years of service I have never been punched in the belly. So I'm not worried. Oh I almost forgot, I ordered unflavored protein from uninjury. It mixes with anything. Good Luck, Band-It Girl

idlebanter said...

My surgery is on the 20th, a Friday. I'll be returning to work on November about 10 days! Since I'm self pay I could have had my surgery any time, but I wanted to take the least amount of vacation, but get the most time off...Thanksgiving week it was! Fortunately, I didn't have to tell my boss simply b/c its right around Thanksgiving.

I purchased Jay Robb protein, have some bouillon cubes, but still need to purchase baby food fruit, apple sauce, liquid tylenol, vitamins (i plan to buy mine from bariatric advantage).

Shrinking Mommy said...

good idea about stopping drinking with meals now.

i have been buying some soups, jello and protein mixes. I still need to get the vitamins and supplements for post-op. will do that this weekend.

i am having my surgery on a monday and my plan is to be back by thursday. we'll see....

idlebanter said...

your surgery is today, Shrinking Mommy! I'm hoping that all went well! Update us as soon as you can!

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